Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blackberry Cravings

So..believe it or not besides pickles and ice cream I am craving fruit!! I love watermelon and lately I have been craving blackberries-better yet blackberry cobbler (Shane's favorite)!! In keeping with the theme I found a recipe at Southern Living for spicy pork tenderloin with blackberry sauce. I served it with a spinach salad with fresh strawberries (another favorite).

It was yummy and I highly recommend it!

The blackberry cobbler was pretty good, but I just cannot beat my grandma...I think she has a secret she's not sharing!

I think this week I am finally feeling baby girl move around some :)
Its weird, but exciting!

I'm thinking I should celebrate Evan's advancement on DWTS with another piece of cobbler.....


  1. That salad looks delish! Love me some blackberries! Congrats on your bundle of joy!

  2. Congratulations! For some reason fruit is a common pregnancy craving. I know I couldn't get enough fruit when I was pregnant with my oldest son.

  3. YUM! You just made me really want some blackberry cobbler!
