Sweet Rachel at That's Life tagged me to take part in a little Q & A game. Fun, right? Thanks girl! (And if you haven't checked out her blog please do...she's got the cutest little boys ever!)
Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post
3.Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people & link them on your post. (or as many as you like)
5. Let them know you've tagged them.
Facts about ME!
1. I will always be blonde...blonde, blonde, blonde! I'm too pasty to be a brunette and the gray hair is becoming a MAJOR problem. Would you still read me if I was Southern Gray? Thought not.
2. I love old tv shows like Dallas and the Fall Guy.
3. I HATE hypocrits and liars. I will call you out.
4. I'm a CBN (certified Bruce nut) If you're in the car with me you will listen to E Street....and my singing.
5. Speaking of CBN some moms sing lullabyes...I sing the Boss, specifically Living Proof.
6. I'm a tad claustorphobic. I take the stairs all the time and hate being in spaces without windows, especially hospitals..ICK.
7. I'm a waterdog. Love the lake, love the ocean, love the swimming pool.
8. I could eat plain cheese pizza every day.
9. I love the color pink :)
10. Diet coke GAGS me. I'm a straight up Coke kind of girl, but drink them very sporadically. Like either 4 a day or 1 in 4 days.
11. I commute nearly an hour each way on days I work....blah!
12. I'm probably the most insecure person you'll ever meet. Especially when it comes to people liking me...I'm always afraid they won't.
1. What are your vices?
Running late..does that count? I am never on time.
2. How many times in your life have you moved?
3! I moved to Lexington for college, then back to Pikeville after I got married, then Paintsville where I live now.
3. Do you want (more)kids? If so, how many would complete your family?
I'd love for Carsyn to have a sibling.
4. What position do you sleep in?
On my side
5. What is a difficult word for you to pronounce?
Surely! Kills the hubby because he says I say Shirley.
6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
oh too many! currently copycats (especially ones that don't give credit)
7. Name one thing on your bucket list.
See a Springsteen concert
8. Android or iPhone?
iPhone! I love Apple...can I get an iMac for my birthday please, anyone?
9. What was your favorite TV show from your childhood?
the Fall Guy! I swore my first child would be named Colt Sever...lucky you Carsyn ;)
10. Do you dye your hair?
well if you count mandatory highlights every 6 weeks sure! but myself? No way
11. Have you ever had a speeding ticket? If so, how many?
yes, 2! I guess I should feel lucky because I've been pulled over more than that...should I add driving too fast to my list of vices??
12. What was the last book you've read?
I just finished book 4 (Happily Ever After) in the Nora Roberts Bride Quartet series. Thanks to my SIL for recommending them!
Ok, ladies here are your questions:
1. What's your favorite movie?
2. How do you relax?
3. Do you workout? If so what's your favorite?
4. Describe yourself in one word.
5. What would I find it your handbag right now?
6. What would your dream job be?
7. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
8. Do you like Walmart? Be honest!
9. What's the last meal you cooked?
10. What's your favorite vacation destination?
11. Who's your favorite musician of all time?
12. What one item would you pack if you were on Survivor?
So girls, play along if you want!
Kristi @ Kentucky Girl
Erin @ Swanky Southern Yankee
Michelle @ Somerset Cottage
Laura @ Moments With the Mays
Shannon @ Life After I Dew
Kelly @ Rantings of an Angry Woman
Lynsey @ Lynsey & Brian
Amanda @ Two Little Bugs
Julie @ The Smitten Mintons
Ashleigh @ City Belle
Britt @ Gettin' Fritzy With It
Stephanie @ My Semi-Organized Chaotic Life
A Very Special Valentine’s Day!
21 hours ago